Snaggle Puss

Until this morning, Tater was one of the few first graders at her school that still had all of her baby teeth. Six weeks ago, I realized that a big tooth was coming in behind the baby teeth and that the baby teeth weren't very loose. The next morning, we went to the dentist for x-rays. The dentist gave her six weeks to pull the teeth on her own. She was instructed to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. For weeks, she tried to wiggle the teeth, as did Yardboy and I. She ate apples, carrots, and anything else known to loosen teeth. It moved a little, but not nearly enough. Today was her return visit to the dentist. In just a few minutes, she emerged from the back with a piece of gauze in her mouth and drooling profusely. The dentist pulled two teeth instead of just one. Tater was so brave! She said that is felt funny, but didn't really hurt. You can see the gigantic tooth behind the gap where the two teeth used to be. After the appointment, I took my drooly girl to the mall. We sat in the ...