
Showing posts from July, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Tomorrow I will begin my 25 th week of pregnancy and things are going just fine. I am feeling great most of the time. The minor discomforts of the second trimester are so much easier to tolerate than the nausea of the first trimester. This baby seems to move more than my other two did. She is now big enough that others can easily feel her move when they place a hand on my belly. Sometimes, she moves so vigorously that I can see my belly move. I can eat what I want, in large quantities. But, I'm beginning to have heartburn. Soon, I will have to be more careful about what I eat and how much I eat. Zantac will become my best friend. I stay inside most of the day to avoid the heat. Today the high temperature was 97 degrees. However, the heat is not as bad as I expected it to be. I was comfortable in church this morning, but the pregnant lady in front of me seemed like she was about to melt. She is six weeks further along, so I wonder if her intense heat intolerance is personal differ...

Another Pin Cushion Kid

Ever since Tater was an infant, we have been visiting dermatologists for her eczema. I think we have seen four different dermatologists. Some of the treatments helped, and some didn't help at all. Nothing cured. The rashes always came back, worse than before. In the last week, Tater went to the doctor four times. The first time was for an allergic reaction which made her eyes swell terribly. Two of the visits were follow-up to the first visit. Yesterday we went to the allergist for testing. The allergy test wasn't too bad. She said it hurt, but she didn't cry. Her pulmonary function test went great. She does not have asthma. The cat and I are very pleased that Tater isn't allergic to him. He was in danger of losing his home, but is safe now. She isn't allergic to dust mites or mold. The doctor laughed when he told me not to clean my house. We don't have to remove our nasty carpet, or cover the pillows and mattresses. He said not to change anything in the house. ...

You Put A Light Bright Peg Where?

Last night, around 9:15, when my kids were supposed to be asleep, I heard horrible screaming coming from the bedroom. I went into the bedroom and saw Tater touching Little Man's face. Little Man was the one screaming. I quickly told them both to get back in bed and leave each other alone. That is when Tater told me that she saw Little Man shove a Light Bright peg up his nose and that it wouldn't come out. I took my son to the living room and grabbed a flash light. I thought I could see a green peg way up there, so I grabbed the tweezers. All the tweezers did was cause more screaming and pushed the peg further into his nose. Yardboy got out a bulb syringe and tried to suck the thing out. It didn't work. Screaming resumed. As long as we weren't touching his nose, Little Man's only complaint was that he couldn't breathe. We decided to leave it alone and call for advice. I immediately thought of calling my parents. Dad was a paramedic for many years and Mom is a sch...


This morning was cleaning time. I was doing dishes, bathrooms, laundry, floors... Vacuuming was really frustrating! I don't like seeing all of the stains that I have been unable to remove, or just haven't gotten around to cleaning. The stains are embarrassing. I began noticing the spots and recalling what caused each of them. Here are a just a few examples: *Silly Putty in Tater's room* We didn't find it until months after the incident . I recently learned that she mixed the Silly Putty with glue before it was smashed into the carpet. *Red Jello in the dining room* This was the Jello that the kids proudly made for Father's Day . I think Little Man dropped it, but I'm not sure. I think I can get it out if I try. *Popsicles, yogurt, pudding, milk, juice, and various other edibles/potables in the living room* Yes, living room. I allow the kids to watch cartoons while eating afternoon snack. I know, bad idea for protecting carpet, but you live and learn, right? Well...


My dad took this picture of Little Man last weekend. I just had to share it.

Mo Cake, Please

This is Tater's fourth birthday cake. I have been looking for this picture two years, and I finally found it! It came a little late, but I thought I would share it anyway. Tater was really into a collection of stories called Usborne's Farmyard Tales. This was my best effort to represent some of the characters. The pig's name is Curly, the dog, Rusty, and I have no idea what the chicken's name is. I used a can of spray coloring to make the cake blue and learned a big lesson. Spray the cake outside! Everything in the kitchen ended up blue. I had to mop the floor after I realized that Tater and I had blue feet and were tracking the color onto the carpet. Oh, I must have inhaled a lot of the stuff too. For days I had blue snot. Yes, I know, probably too much information, but it was amazing. How about that drink can? Nice.