
Showing posts from June, 2008

Where are we going to put this baby?

Of course, for the first several months the new baby will sleep in the bedroom with Yardboy and me. When she outgrows the cradle we don't know where she will go. Staying in our room for years is out of the question. Co-sleeping with an older infant or toddler means nursing all night long. Been there. Done that. I don't want to do it again. I would love for her to have her own bedroom, but we have a three bedroom house. The most obvious solution would be to let her share a room with Tater or Little Man. Siblings share rooms all of the time, right? Yardboy shared a room with one of his sisters for several years. I roomed with my brother for a very short time too. Do we let the girls share a room. Tater will be 6 1/2 years older than the baby. Where will we put all of Tater's choking hazards--ummm, I mean toys? Where will Tater go when she needs some time to herself? Do we let her room with Little Man? He will be 3 1/2 years older than his little sister. How long is is okay to...

What We Did on Father's Day

Mom, Dad, and Cabbagehead came over to our house for Father's Day lunch. We had Greek dip, salad, steak, potatoes, bread, fruit salad, Jell-O, and of course, sweet tea. Lunch was great, even if I do say so myself. Little Man was the potato washer and maker of strawberry Jell-O. Tater was the strawberry slicer and maker of cherry Jell-O. Daddy (my Yardboy) Papa (my Dad) I gave Yardboy this book. Remember Kevin Nealon from Saturday Night Live ? It's never a good idea to ask a woman if she's pregnant. If she's not, you're in huge trouble. I don't care if she's in the delivery room and the baby is halfway out. I would just play it safe and say, 'Excuse me, you got a little something on your leg, there.'" --Kevin Nealon


GIRL! Yardboy took me to the imaging center today for my "official" 20 week ultrasound. The baby was very cooperative. SHE showed us everything we needed to see. Tonight at dinner we were talking with Little Man and Tater about the baby. Tater is excited about having a little sister. Little Man's eyes welled up as he cried, " Nooooo , I wanted a boy!" He lightened up a little when I told him that he would be the ONLY brother. Little Man has insisted all along that the baby is going to be named "Suzie," because, "Suzie is a boy name." He still likes the name the name for a girl. Tater has insisted all along that the baby is going to be a girl. A few weeks ago she decided that she wanted to name the baby "Mot," because, "M-O-T spells Mot." She has also suggested "Kayla" and "Cindy." I informed the kids that they will not be naming the baby sister, Yardboy and I will. I guess we have to start thinking ab...

Two Pounds, One Inch

Little Man had an appointment with the endocrinologist this week. Before the appointment, LM repeatedly asked if the doctor was going to stick him with a " meedle ." I honestly didn't know if he had to do blood work, so I tried to be positive as I said, " Hmm , I don't know sweetie." The appointment went well and no blood draw was needed. Little Man gained two pounds and grew one inch in the last visit three months. Hooray! He is now 33 inches tall and weighs 25 pounds. That still leaves him at the zero percentile, but hey, he grew! Now we up his Increlex to 14 units twice daily, and go back for measurement in three months.