Where are we going to put this baby?
Of course, for the first several months the new baby will sleep in the bedroom with Yardboy and me. When she outgrows the cradle we don't know where she will go. Staying in our room for years is out of the question. Co-sleeping with an older infant or toddler means nursing all night long. Been there. Done that. I don't want to do it again. I would love for her to have her own bedroom, but we have a three bedroom house. The most obvious solution would be to let her share a room with Tater or Little Man. Siblings share rooms all of the time, right? Yardboy shared a room with one of his sisters for several years. I roomed with my brother for a very short time too. Do we let the girls share a room. Tater will be 6 1/2 years older than the baby. Where will we put all of Tater's choking hazards--ummm, I mean toys? Where will Tater go when she needs some time to herself? Do we let her room with Little Man? He will be 3 1/2 years older than his little sister. How long is is okay to...