What We Did on Father's Day
Mom, Dad, and Cabbagehead came over to our house for Father's Day lunch. We had Greek dip, salad, steak, potatoes, bread, fruit salad, Jell-O, and of course, sweet tea. Lunch was great, even if I do say so myself.

Little Man was the potato washer and maker of strawberry Jell-O.
Tater was the strawberry slicer and maker of cherry Jell-O.
Daddy (my Yardboy)

I gave Yardboy this book. Remember Kevin Nealon from Saturday Night Live?
It's never a good idea to ask a woman if she's pregnant. If she's not, you're in huge trouble. I don't care if she's in the delivery room and the baby is halfway out. I would just play it safe and say, 'Excuse me, you got a little something on your leg, there.'"
--Kevin Nealon