
At the beginning of 2007, the doctors said that I wasn't feeding my son enough. Then, they changed their minds and started looking for the true cause of his slow growth. I've lost count of the tests they have done: x-rays, growth hormone stimulation test, DNA tests, and so many other blood tests. Little Man has become a pin cushion.

We went to see the pediatric endocrinologist again today. He diagnosed Little Man with Severe Primary Insulin-like Growth Factor Deficiency (Primary IGFD). It really is a relief to finally have a diagnosis.

To get information about Primary IGFD, check out The Magic Foundation and their video on IGFD.

In the next few weeks we will begin giving Little Man twice daily injections of Increlex. Our hope is that his rate of growth will be three times faster than it currently is. Here we go...


Cheri said…
I'm glad you finally got a diagnosis too. You are in our prayers....
Bar L. said…
I'm glad too, and it sounds as though it is something treatable, that's a relief. I hope this doesn't cause him too much discomfort. I will remember to pray for him too :)
Curly said…
Thanks, girls.

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