Little Man's Growth


The four of us loaded up and went to see the pediatric endocrinologist this morning. I can't believe that we actually got there early!

Before he could see the doctor, I had to get Little Man's records sent over from the primary doctor's office and get the referral number from our HMO. Both of these things should have been there, but our regular doctor's office dropped the ball. I was so frustrated, but managed to get everything taken care of without losing my temper. The endocrinology office staff was very nice and understanding.

The doctor we saw is world renowned for his work in diabetes and growth, so we feel pretty comfortable with him. He isn't a tall man, is probably in his early sixties, truly loves kids, has a beard, and wears Birkenstock sandals. He is a really nice guy with an excellent bedside manner.

We discussed Little Man's lack of symptoms, dietary, and bowel habits at length. He doesn't look or act sick and is developing just fine. He is just super small.

After reviewing his recently faxed chart, the doctor said that all of his previous labs looked fine. The only additional lab that he wanted to do was to test for gluten intolerance.

I am confident that Little Man doesn't have any problems with gluten, so I'm not too concerned about the lab test.

In the past, our pediatrician thought Little Man wasn't getting enough calories. So,I added cream and butter to nearly everything that passed the boy's lips. I also kept a journal of EVERYTHING he consumed. After months of that, our primary doctor said that he thought calorie intake was not the issue, so I stopped worrying about how much he ate. Now that I think about it, his rate of growth didn't seem to change at all , regardless of how much effort I put into adding calories.

The endocrinologist thinks his growth might be related to his calorie intake, because everything else seems to be normal. So, we are back to adding calories everywhere we can. Bring on the butter, cream, and sugar. If Little Man wants to eat it, I am going to give it to him. Of course, I won't allow anything like high fructose corn syrup, trans fats... I'll try my best to fill him full of fruits and veggies, but I know he is going to be consuming loads of cheese, whole wheat fig bars, Yo Baby Yogurt, oat bran sesame sticks, ice cream, Gold Fish Crackers, and Pediasure. Little Man already has a serious sweet tooth. I fear that will only get worse, but he's you gotta grow. Right?

I scheduled a return visit for May 18, the day after his second birthday. If things haven't changed, then we will do further testing.

Everyone, thank you for your continued prayers. I'll keep you posted on Little Man's growth, health, and diet.


Anonymous said…
Oh, to be able to eat all that good stuff and not grow! Oh yeah, this is about Little Man, not me. :) Just kidding with you. I know the lack of growth is so frustrating; I mean, I REALLY know!But I'm glad for the confirmation of what we already knew--he is a healthy little boy!

We bless you and Yard Boy with peace and patience! God has a plan in this--maybe for growth in our faith and trust.... We continue to pray for LM for everything to thrive the way it is intended to.

Love you guys!
Kris's Korner said…
You are a good mom and the Lord has given Little man to you because He knew that you were perect mommy for him. I will keep praying for you. I'm thankful you found a Dr. you like
Anonymous said…
I will continue to pray for you.
Curly said…
Thanks so much for the encouraging words!

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