Been A Long Time

Hello old blog. It has been such a long time. I didn't lose the weight (I gained), my cholesterol is still high (and my liver is angry), and I still use my APAP religiously (at higher settings).

I'm middle aged. I have crow's feet and grey at my temples. I don't get carded when I buy beer for my husband (I don't drink--bad liver). 

My oldest child graduated and moved out. She's into all things goth and punk.

My middle child will (hopefully) graduate from high school next year. He's into all things punk, and metal. 

My youngest child will be starting 8th grade this fall. She's funny, compassionate, and compliant. I'm waiting for her head to start spinning...

My husband is the same reliable guy he was before, but now he has an APAP, thinning grey hair, and some weight around the middle. 

We are in the same city, but now we live in a much larger home on two wooded acres.

We have the same two old dogs, a couple of cats, and three fish. Now we also have eight chickens that we've successfully kept safe and alive for almost a year and a half. Mmm. Eggs.

2015 was our last homeschool year. We loved our co-op and we loved field trips, but we hated doing school at home. Sending the kids to school was a heart wrenching decision, but it had to be done. 

For me, the 2016 election began cracking the alabaster shell on Christian Nationalism. I was dismayed by my fellow Christians who were blindly following Trump. I decided that year to stop being a single issue voter. I voted for Hillary Clinton. Given the choice between the two, I'd vote for her again.

I returned to nursing (wound care) part time in 2016. I worked for about 18 months, then took a two year break to focus on my family.

Then came 2020...


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