Blah 4

So, here I sit, shaking, tweeking like a meth addict, but it isn't meth. It is albuterol. I thought I could climb into bed and trick myself into thinking I was breathing well enough to sleep. No such luck. I used my nebulizer then tried to sleep again. Nope. It is hard to drift off when my pulse is pounding out of my head, chest, limbs... At least my wheezing is a little better and my chest and back don't hurt as much.

I guess Yardboy couldn't sleep either. He asked if I felt like cuddling. I declined, though I really would love to be held by him. I'm on edge, and I just don't think I can stand being touched right now.

This has been a crazy couple of weeks, and all of the days are beginning to run together. My brain is in a fog.

Tuesday afternoon I used my new nebulizer and albuterol. It worked for a couple of hours, then the wheezing came back. I decided to go to the ER.

I arrived at the ER around 7:00 and immediately got a chest x-ray. Thankfully, the images of my lungs were clear (they always are). I saw a very jerky ER doctor. I learned a valuable lesson. Don't expect to be taken seriously about an exacerbation of a chronic problem in the ER. He actually laughed when I explained that I had sinobronchitis. He said there was no such thing and it wasn't a "real" diagnosis. Then he gave me a long speech about how antibiotics don't work on sinus infections. I wasn't there to have him magically cure my longstanding sinus problems. I wanted help breathing. I left the ER after receiving IV steroids and two breathing treatments. I decided I could just as easily use my own nebulizer. I got to sleep around 3:00 am. What a long night.

I stayed in bed most of the day Wednesday and Yardboy stayed with me. He needed the rest almost as much as I did, since he stayed up most of the time I was as the hospital. I called my primary doc, the pulmonologist, and the ENT to tell them that I had been seen in the ER. Both offices gave me Friday appointments.

I spent Thursday in my big comfy living room chair. Since I couldn't do much of anything else, I decided to do my Continuing Education work for my nursing license renewal. I have to submit 24 hours of CE's by the end of the month, so the timing worked out fine. I got about half of it done on Thursday. Hooray for the internet!

For the last year, Yardboy and I have been trying to figure out what we can do to reduce the number of allergy triggers in our home. I got pillow covers and mattress covers, took the curtains out of my bedroom, bought a hepa-filter vacuum, use hepa-air filters, and even gave away our beloved kitty.

Since we can't afford to replace the carpet right now, we had the carpet cleaned Friday. It was a big undertaking to get all of our junk off of the floors, and Yardboy did most of that himself, since I don't have the energy or breath to do anything other than sit these days.

My mom drove over to pick up Baby B for the weekend. I miss that little monkey, but it has been good to rest and not have to chase a toddler. My older two kids have also been really great. I don't know, maybe Yardboy threatened them or something. I'm so grateful for all of them.

For my Friday appointment, my pulmo wasn't in the office, so saw a capable, but aloof ARNP. Again my chest x-ray was clear, but my lungs sounded really junky. I put on a good show for her with all kinds of gross lung noises. After consulting with one of the other Pulmos, she upped my dose of Advair, added Spiriva, told me to continue taking the horse-dose of oral prednisone for two more weeks, then get blood work done, and return in three weeks. She didn't say for sure, but thinks there is some kind of immune/infalmmation problem. DUH! So, more waiting, and more drugs, for now.

Later, the ENT was very nice. After we talked, he reviewed my sinus CT and scoped my sinuses (which triggered more wheezing). Then he offered to do sinus surgery to get all of the gunk. Wow! I didn't really expect that. I'm going to get another opinion from Shands before I let anyone do surgery on my face.

After a nap, I made it to Celebrate Recovery. I felt like crap and honestly admitted it those who asked how I was doing. I shaked through dinner, sat silently during worship, listened to a friend who needed to talk during Large Group, and was prayed for by friends during Solid Rock.

I'm really working on not isolating myself, as I tend to do when I am sick or hurting. I feel very whiny, but everyone has been very kind. Being open about how I'm doing is helping to keep my head above water.

Yesterday was my birthday. So many people wished me well on Facebook, and a few called too. Yardboy made brunch and picked some dark pink heirloom roses from our yard for me. Little Man and I made a trip to Wal-Mart where I bought a new coffee pot, saline spray, a rug to go under Yardboy's drums (which now live in our dinning room). As s treats for myself, I got my eyebrows waxed and bought Big Bang Theory Season One (hilarious). Little Man got a remote control car for himself with his own money.

After a nebulizer treatment, a short, shaky nap, and a bath, we went to some friends' home for pizza. We stopped by the grocery store and picked up key lime pie and mango key lime pie. Mmmm. I felt like trash the whole time we were there, but figured I may as well be among friends and feel bad, that be home alone and feel bad. Though all I did was sit, it was good to get out of my head and laugh, if only a little.

Baby B will be back today. I'm praying to have the energy and breath to give her what she needs. Right now it looks like we will be sitting in the living room watching lots of cartoons this week.

On Monday, I'll go have an imaging study done to see if I have food and drink getting into my sinuses.

Time to try again at sleep. Hopefully my lungs agree.


I am asking God to provide for you whatever you need lady!!!

Question, have you guys ever thought about moving out west where the alergies seem less invasive?? I was just wondering cause that is what people in the old days did for things like that.

anyway Bless you with easy breathing and peace! LOVE Big Bang Theory (cannot wait for season 3 LOL)
Curly said…
Breathing much better these days. My asthma is triggered by allergies, so I have to be super vigilant and take my shots.
No sinus surgery! I just keep them rinsed to remove allergens.
Also, I'm back to using an Auto PAP machine while sleeping, and that seems to help everything.
Becky, I'm pretty sure I'd develop new allergies anywhere I moved.

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