Private Parts

Little Man was just watching Playhouse Disney when a short clip about cows and milk came on.

Shocked, Little Man came over to me and exclaimed, "Mommy, people were touching that cow's private parts!"

I explained to him that they were milking the cow and it was okay.

He looked confused.

He repeated, "They were touching the cow's private parts!"

I told him that those were the cow's boobies and that is how the farmers get the milk out. I wish I had a picture of him at that instant. The disgusted look was priceless.

His next comment was, "That's yucky! The milk was coming out of the cow's private parts!"

I wonder what he will say this afternoon when I offer him a cup of milk. Breastfeeding the new baby should be interesting too. We will see...


Main Street Mom said…
Absolutely hilarious!!!

Found your blog from you leaving me a comment regarding my "collection"...

When my brother saw that entry...he emailed me to say maybe I need therapy. I am still in denial. I love, love, love and use it all!!! For me it is better than a collection of ceramic birds or salt far!!!!!

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