Silly Putty

I learn something new every day.

Today I learned that certain toys should not be played with in bed.

Apparently, Tater was playing with Silly Putty last night when she fell asleep.

She woke up with it on her squishy blue pillow, sheets, shirt, and in her hair. What a mess!

I found a great website that gives suggestions for removing Silly Putty, just in case you ever need to get it.

At least it wasn't chewing gum!

Update: Drason, I couldn't bear the thought of smelling peanut butter for that long, so I got creative. I used Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream. Yes, I know the name is disgusting! I bought the jar a few years ago hoping it would help my frizz problem. It didn't help the frizz issue, but it really worked on Silly Putty.


: ) So, did you use peanut butter or lard? : )
Hello Kelli said…
Just browsing through blogs...saw curly mommy and had to read! I have super curly hair and I have used that very same jar! Actually it was my mom's idea at like age 14!! She put it on me and then wrapped my head in plastic wrap! anyway....after 25 years, I have found Curls Rock by TIGI Catwalk! LOVE IT!!! just thought I'd pass it along ;)

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