
Showing posts from March, 2008

Dates and Numbers II

I went to the OB office this morning. They drew blood for the third time in a week. I had my second ultrasound in a week too. There IS a baby with a heartbeat! What a beautiful heartbeat! The baby (only one) measured to be 7 weeks, 0 days. That makes the due date 11-3-08. I left the office with three ultrasound pictures of my baby, an appointment for next week, and two more prescriptions for nausea. Thank You, God!

Dates and Numbers

LMP: 1-21-08 That would make conception somewhere around 1-4-08, but that isn't possible. Conception happened on 2-10-08, or a few days later. By LMP , I am at 7 weeks, 5 days, but I know that date is screwy. Remember, I have crazy cycles. By the date that I believe I conceived, I am at 6 weeks, 6 days. Nausea and vomiting has been miserable this week. I've spent most of my time in bed (except when removing Silly Putty from hair and other essential tasks of motherhood). I have done a pretty fine job of shutting others out. I am supremely grouchy. My motto this week has been: Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the heck alone! Tuesday morning I was feeling a little less than terrible, so Little Man and I went into the pregnancy center where I volunteer. I had my friend and nurse manager do an ultrasound on me. We saw a great gestational sac and a pretty little round ...

Silly Putty

I learn something new every day. Today I learned that certain toys should not be played with in bed. Apparently, Tater was playing with Silly Putty last night when she fell asleep. She woke up with it on her squishy blue pillow, sheets, shirt, and in her hair. What a mess! I found a great website that gives suggestions for removing Silly Putty, just in case you ever need to get it. At least it wasn't chewing gum! Update: Drason, I couldn't bear the thought of smelling peanut butter for that long, so I got creative. I used Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream. Yes, I know the name is disgusting! I bought the jar a few years ago hoping it would help my frizz problem. It didn't help the frizz issue, but it really worked on Silly Putty.

Formed in Utter Seclusion

I've been putting off writing this post. Is it codependency or just being sensitive to the feelings of others? I don't know. That fine line still confuses me. I am surrounded by friends that want to have babies, but for some reason or another, haven't been able to do so. It breaks my heart. I don't understand why it happens so easily for some, and not for others. We had a small taste of the bitterness of infertility when we worked to get pregnant with our daughter, Tater. When we began trying to have a second child, we had a miscarriage. Immediately after the miscarriage, we conceived our son, Little Man. We don't take the fact that we have two great kids for granted. We are truly grateful that our struggle was so short-lived, and that we didn't lose more pregnancies. Now for the big news: I am pregnant again, about six weeks along. Did we plan to get pregnant? Nope, but we are excited. I did four pregnancy tests, expecting each to be negative, but hoping for po...