Injections Begin

Tercicare sent us one month's worth of Increlex , bandages, syringes, alcohol pads, a sharps container, and a travel kit. It was all FREE! We watched a video on the medication administration as a family. Yardboy practiced giving injectionx to an orange before giving an actual shot to Little Man. The kids gave their dolls shots with needle less syringes. Then, they pretended to give shots to each other. Smiley is sill smiling. We have been giving the injections to Little Man twice daily since Sunday evening. In spite of the preparations we made, he runs and screams when it is time to get the shot. However, he stops crying the instant the needle is withdrawn. He always asks for a bandage (although it really isn't necessary). It seems that the dread of the shot is worse than the shot itself. Tater was very worried about her little brother at first. She screamed and ran out of the room when we gave Little Man his first shot. Now she isn't afraid and had become quite the expe...