Photo Diary of Fall 2007: What I Didn't Blog About

Each fall our family goes to this pumpkin patch at a nearby church.
We always buy at least one over-priced pumpkin.

Tater in the school Halloween parade as "Pumpkin Girl."

Little Man as "Pumpkin Boy."

We went to a fall festival where Little Man got his face painted. This was supposed to be a smiley face. Yikes!
Pumpkin Girl and Ariel
Pumpkin Girl and Ariel got tired of the wigs, so we wore them. Such devoted mommies!
Daddy got into the wig action too. What a fun day and a worn-out family.
Little Man at school for his Thanksgiving Feast.

Princess Dancing Flower at the Thanksgiving Feast (fries and chicken).

We spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta. There were 21 of us in my aunt's house.

Yep, 21 of us in the house, and it went well. It was nice to be with my mom's family. I wonder if my aunt will invite all of us back next year. :)

Tater in her choir robe after the school Christmas program.
I love the movie A Christmas Story! My parents gave me this ornament. Isn't it magnificent?
Two days before Christmas we went to my parents house to be with my dad's family. There were 22 of us there. It was an especially joyous celebration because my grandmother was home. She broke her ankle in early October and was released from rehab one week before Christmas.

New pajamas for Christmas Eve. Yea, no more sweater vest!

On Christmas day, Tater got on her new wheels to deliver cookies to the neighbors. My parents came over to our house for lasagna. It was really great to stay home. Oh, we forgot to let the kids open their stockings. I guess we can do it tomorrow morning.
Merry Christmas!
Red Hot Mama