Just Plain Messy

I frantically cleaned before Drason, Crickey, and Smiley Boy came over yesterday. Drason has been here before, but it was the first visit for Crickey and Smiley Boy. I wanted to make a good first impression.

Well, actually I just didn't want to be totally embarassed. Of course, the house wasn't anywhere near as clean as I would have liked it to be. At least the bathroom wasn't disgusting. After cleaning the kitchen, and picking up most of the choking hazards, I came to my senses.

They weren't coming to see my house. They weren't coming over to evaluate my homekeeping skills. They were coming to see me. I'm usually comfortable in my messy home. If someone is a true friend, I should feel comfortable with them in my messy house with me.

Now I'm not saying that I should subject friends to poopy diaper scent, science projects in the kitchen sink, and a skanky bathroom. I am saying that I need to be more willing to open my door to others in spite of strewn toys, mountain ranges of laundry on the couch, milk and juice stains on the carpet, gritty tile floors, junkmail covering the desk, cat hair, dirty dishes in the sink...

I am resolving to let people in even if it is a disaster inside. No more stepping out on the porch and closing the front door. No more avoiding visits from friends. I am good at lots of other things. Neatness isn't my strong suit and I think that is okay.

We are a messy, cluttered family. I grew up in a messy, cluttered home. I am not going to pretend any more. If I had a spotless home, I would be denying my heritage! I would be denying my children of their heritage! HA!

By the way, all of the cakes are made in a clean kitchen. I don't like to cook or bake in a dirty kitchen. Clorox Cleanup is my friend.


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