Summer Blogger Syndrome

Apparently Summer Blogger Syndrome is contagious. Navy Wife, Drason, and Crickey all have it. Sunny is recovering. I'm trying to recover too. Then again, maybe I'm not recovering. This is a pretty lame post.

Cheri and Layla seem to be holding strong. They must take blogger vitamins.


Anonymous said…
Well Navy Wife is back!!! My post is a little scattered but I promise to write sooner this time. Hope all is well.
Bar L. said…
LOL, I think its a good post. Blogging IS my vitamin so if I don't do it, I feel run down and like something is missing (I know, I'm weird like that)
Curly said…
Wow! Navy Wife speaks! Hooray! Love you, girl.

Layla, keep taking your vitamins. I like your posts.

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