The Flying Weedeater

My dad took me flying in his ultralight Sunday afternoon. It is so little that we dubbed it, "The Weedeater."
This is the tree Dad hit as he was trying to cross the road. Cabbagehead and Yardboy got the plane wing away from the tree and we were on our way.

Update August, 2007: Dad hit the tree two more times. He decided to cut the tree down.


Crickett said…
Oh my! How was it? Were you scared? Was it fun? Are you all crazy?!!!!!

Just kidding. It does seem like it would be fun--not terribly safe, but lots of fun! Great photos!
Bar L. said…
You are one brave chick! Seeing that brought back memories. My son's father had one and I helped him assemble it once, but would NOT go up in it!
Curly said…
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Curly said…
Scared? Yes, but okay.
Fun? You bet!
Crazy? Most definitely!

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