With all of my might?

In the ending paragraph of my last post I said, "To the surprise of some, there are United Methodists that are running toward Jesus with all of their might. I am one and I am proud to know many others."

I feel like a fraud! I struggle! I am so imperfect!

I want to run toward Jesus with all of my might, but I often stumble. Sometimes I just walk in His general direction. Other times I purposely walk in the opposite direction.

I am working on Recovery Step 3: "Turn my life and will over to the care of God." Principle 3 is: "Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ's care and control."

All my life and will? Well, that would be running toward Jesus will all might, wouldn't it? That is what I want. I need God's help to run.

This is the Principle 3 Prayer, changed a little to fit me:

Dear God, I have tried to do it all by myself, on my own power, and I have failed. Today I want to turn my life over to You. I ask You to be my Lord and Savior. You are my One and only Higher Power! I ask that You help me start to think less about me and my will. I want to daily turn my will over to You, to daily seek Your direction and wisdom for my life. Please continue to help me overcome my compulsive overeating, anger, codependency...and may that victory over these issues help others as they see Your power at work in changing my life. Help me to do Your will always. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.


Anonymous said…
Ditto, Curly Mommy.

CR is really helping you stay focused on changing and growing. That's an awesome thing. I get so sidetracked with day-to-day life most of the time that I forget what I want my focus to be; you just summed it up.

God bless you in your efforts for change.

I love you.
Bar L. said…
"I want to run toward Jesus with all of my might, but I often stumble. Sometimes I just walk in His general direction. Other times I purposely walk in the opposite direction."

Me too. But I think He knows we're like that and understands, and is very patient.
Cheri said…
We all struggle, stumble and fall.

Thankfully, we have a loving, forgiving Savior who knows our weaknesses.

Don't give up!

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