It's my birthday!

Today I am thirty-one-derful years old!


Anonymous said…
I love that "thirtyone-derful!" I'll remember it in four months when I'm "fortyone-derful." :) :) :)

Love you, girl! Have a SUPER day!
Anonymous said…
Hope you had a great birthday!!!
Sunny said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You old woman! HA!
Cheri said…
Happy Birthday! You spring chicken you!

That is such a great age. Let's see, when I was 31, I....hmmm, I can't remember back that far....
Curly said…
Thanks everyone! I had a wonderful day!
Bar L. said…
I am a crappy friend!!!! I missed your birthday! I am so, sorry!

I hope your 31st year is the best one yet.

I have been a pathetic blog reader lately, I feel bad for missing your day!!!
Curly said…
Stop it! It isn't like you knew ahead of time and forgot. Thanks for the belated well wishes!

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