
This has been a difficult post to write. I have tried at least four times, and the correct words just won't form. Is it because of my codependent nature? Am I afraid of disappointing the blogging homeschoolers? I think so.

I guess I'll just make it as simple as it is. We will not be homeschooling next year. We will be sending our daughter, Tater, to a Christian school for kindergarten.

I feel taking Tater out of preschool last fall was the right decision. I can't describe the satisfaction I feel knowing that I taught her so many of the things that she knows. It is wonderful to plan our days according to what we need or want to do, not the schedule of an institution. I enjoy spending these days with her so much...

However, I feel that an enormous burden has been lifted from my shoulders. Yes, homeschooling her next year is a burden that I don't think I can bear. I really don't think I would be capable of giving my kids what they need next year if I had to homeschool. Therefore, I have peace about sending Tater to a great Christian school.

Let me tell you about the school. It is a preschool and kindergarten that are a ministry of a great church. We are members elsewhere, but we attend MOPS there, so Tater is already familiar with the grounds. The school day starts at 9:00 and ends at 1:00. I really like the short day schedule! They use the Abeka curriculum, so she should read well by the end of the year. There are two kindergarten classes. Each class only has 10 students. Yea, small classes! We will get a discount on tuition if I volunteer. I want to be very involved anyway, so the discount is just an added bonus. Plus, yesterday, I was so happy to learn that one of Tater's dear friends will also be attending.

This decision for kindergarten has no bearing on what we decide to do for Tater when first grade comes around, or for Little Man. We may do Christian school, charter school, public school, or homeschool. We know that keeping Tater home is the right decision for this year. Sending her to kindergarten is the right decision for next year. What is in store after that? God knows, but we don't, yet. We are seeking His direction.


Cheri said…
C.M. God guides us in the way we should go.

I am so thankful He has given you peace in this matter. It sounds like an absolutely wonderful school.

We took our decisions regarding school a year at a time as well. We didn't have the wonderful options that you do.

I sure hope you weren't worried about disappointing me. Schooling is an individual decision and it differs from family to family and from child to child.

It sounds like you have made a wonderful choice. Rejoice in the peace that God gives!
Anonymous said…
I think it sounds like a wonderful school and a good decision. If you did not feel up to homeschooling that (imo) is a sign from God. Don't let anyone tell you it's "better", it's just different. As long as Tater is is safe, learning and enjoying school in a healthy environment, she will flourish!!!

My son went to Christian school up to 3rd grade (then public - God forbid!) and it was wonderful. I would have kept him in longer but could not afford it on my single the public schools here are excellent, one reason I live where I live.

Good for you Curly!!
Curly said…
Thanks for the support!
Anonymous said…
You shouldn't feel bad at all. You're making the right decision for your family, and you and YB are the only ones who can do that!

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