Well Crickey, Maybe I Will Blog Today

I'm still here, just really busy.

Today is Yardboy's birthday. He is 34 years old.

Happy birthday, my love!


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to Yardboy!!
Anonymous said…
We've missed you! I know you've been very busy though. I hope you had a fun birthday dinner!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the birthday well-wishes. Things did go well overall. So far, being 34 is no different than 33. Actually, I am probably in better health and spirit than I was a year ago.

Being in your mid-thirties with small kids is interesting. It seems that I finally have many parts of my life better prioritized, but my resources are being sucked dry. :) Wouldn't trade it for anything, though. I have been very blessed.

Thanks again. I'll try not to be as quiet this year.
Curly said…
Sniff, sniff. I love you, Yardboy! I couldn't ask for a better husband.
Cheri said…
Happy Belated Birthday to Yardboy from the snowy Northwoods!
Sunny said…
WOW he sure is getting old!!! HA! Happy birthday (a little late).
Curly said…
Cheri and Sunny,
Yardboy says thanks!

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