
Today I had a friend over to visit. I had to clean feverishly before she arrived. The house was so flithy.

I enlisted Tater in the clean up effort. I asked her to pick up the toys, fold her pajamas and put them neatly on her bed, wash her face, brush her teeth...

The last thing I asked her to do was wipe the coffee table with a damp cloth. She obliged without a complaint.

A few minutes later I walked by and heard her singing as she wiped:

Sing sweet nightingale.

Sing sweet nightingale.

Ah ah ah ah ah.

In the Disney movie, this is the song Cinderella sings as she scrubs the floors.

Tater said that yes, she was pretending to be Cinderella.

Does that make me the evil stepmother?


Keith said…
First observation...your child began cleaning without a complaint? You and the Mr. have done something right. That's a rare quality with many kids these days. Cudos to her and you. Hopefully it will continue throughout the adolescent years. Try your luck at vacuuming and scrubbing baseboards and you'll know if its gonna stick.
Cheri said…
I think it makes you a mother who has trained her child to work with a good attitude. " unto the LORD!"

That will be a wonderful attribute she can carry with her all her life.

Good job, C.M. and little Cinderella!
Anonymous said…
LOL!!! That's classic! That is so cute. I agree with Keith - I still have to ask several times to get my 16 yr old son to help me!
Kris's Korner said…
I think that is sweet and I think you are training your daughter to be Cinderella someday for her handsome prince.
Curly said…
Thanks for all of the complements, but I think I left out an important detail. The table cleaning was the ONLY thing she didn't complain about. I think she didn't mind doing the table because it was a new and interesing task. Plus, she saw the Cinderella parallel. That said, I do agree that she is a really sweet and usually compliant child. I love my Tater.
Cheri said…
Totally off topic....
One more resource that I came across after my kids were mostly grown was a book by Sally Clarkson. I think it was called the Whole-Hearted Child. I have since passed it along to a young mom - if I still had it I would send it to you.

It is one of those books I wish I would have had when the boys were little.
Curly said…
Thanks, Cheri. I'll check it out.
Anonymous said…
How sweet, I can just imagine her cleaning and singing away.

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