The Bed

My dad has a friend named John. Sadly, John's wife was murdered last week.

I was taking a nap this afternoon and this is what I dreamed.

My dad and John were going over a bunch of photos on the computer. The pictures were of John and his late wife, their family...

Dad and John were trying to decide which photo to put in the newspaper. The purpose of the photo was to show the impact of her death on John's life.

John stopped on a photo of the bed he shared with his wife. It was an ornate wrought iron bed with fluffy, feminine linens.

I woke up.

I stayed there in my bed, with a pillow covering my face, thinking about the empty bed in my dream.

I don't know John, but I hurt for him anyway.

This woman had friends, neighbors, a son, grandchildren... but all I could think about was her husband and that empty bed.

I pictured him coming home to a quiet, dark house, all alone, saddened, and fatigued. He would desire warmth, comfort, and rest. However, the very sight of this beautiful bed would bring heartache. He would sleep in the guest room, or on the sofa.

I began to pray, "God, Comfort John. Give him your peace."

Jeremiah 31:13 (New Living Translation)
13 The young women will dance for joy, and the men—old and young—will join in the celebration. I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.

Matthew 5:4 (New Living Translation)
4 God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.


Anonymous said…
That is so sad. It broke my heart thinking about the empty bed in your dream and thinking about what that poor man will have to endure. I will keep him in my prayers.
Cheri said…
How sad and what a horrible way to lose a loved one.

We join Patrice in praying for John and his family.
Anonymous said…
Very sad and tragic. I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be to process the death of a loved one who had been MURDERED!

You have a heart of compassion - even in your dreams you were concerned for someone in pain.

Thanks for sharing this so we can a) pray for John and b)be reminded that every day with a loved one is a gift

(added you to my blogroll!)
Kris's Korner said…
I am with patrice. I will pray for John and his family.

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