Great Thanksgiving

I could not ask for a better Thanksgiving.

We spent time with family and cherished friends. It was wonderful.

What am I thankful for?

The amazing renewal God is doing in my life
God's faithfulness to me even when I wasn't faithful to Him
My husband, Yardboy
My daughter, Tater
My son, Little Man
My parents
My brother, Cabbagehead
My extended family (including in-laws)
My friends
Good health for my family and myself
Our church
My husband's job
Being a stay-at-home mom
The right to be a Christian
The right to homeschool
The Cat
To Yardboy for financing my college education
My home, which is much nicer than I need
All of the stuff (that I trip over) in my home
My paid-for 2001 Honda Accord
My frizzy hair
Good teeth
Our multicultural, multiracial neighborhood
Mild southern winters
Good health insurance
LASIK surgery (not covered by said insurance)
High speed internet
Our computer, thanks to Yardboy's dad
Blog therapy


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