He Touched Me

It has always been difficult for me to talk about my relationship with God. I tend to get very self-conscious. I wonder if I am offending the listener. What if they don't believe? What if I embarass myself?

I have to get over this, so here it is.

I have been on my journey with Jesus since I asked him to be my savior at six years old. Sometimes the road was as smooth as silk. Other times it was it was very rough. I've had times when I sought God with all of my heart, and times when I all but denounced Him.

I found that I was a miserable woman when I wasn't living for God. I know things may not always be great, but I also know that God can get me through anything life (or death) throws at me. I have to be a believer. I don't have a choice. Without God I am a pitiful excuse for a woman.

Friday and Saturday I went to a women's conference at a local church. The praise and worship was amazing. The speakers delivered inspired messages. God did amazing things in me.

Extravagant, awesome, worship! The kind that freaks out conservative Christians. I am talking about loud drums, keyboards, guitars... There were singing, shouting, beautiful voices speaking in English and unknown languages. We danced before our God.

I asked God to touch me and He did! When my knees hit the floor peace rushed over me like flood waters. Everyone in the room seemed to disappear. I was in the presence of God! What an awesome experience! God released me from fear, which has been a huge problem for me. He replaced fear with joy and peace. When I stood up I knew that I had been changed. I am important to God. He has a plan for my life.


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