Getting Started
I met with my counselor last night. Yes, I'm in counseling. We talked about the Thanksgiving holiday break, family stress, me not doing the assignments she gave me in our last session, and me having trouble starting tasks. In last month's session, I was supposed to drag out my Step 4 inventory and make a list of character defects. I also agreed to exercise with my kids daily. I fully intended to do the assignments, but didn't get very far. I took out my inventory and begrudgingly thumbed through it, once. I also took my kids on a bike ride to the park. The trip to the park ended with a 45 minute tantrum by 4 year-old. I didn't pick up the inventory or touch the bikes again. My reluctance starting tasks is rooted in my desire for perfection and completion. If I cannot complete a project perfectly, I'd rather not try. My mind is like a one way track--start at the beginning and ho...