
Showing posts from January, 2012

Become What You Believe

So, I signed up for daily Bible readings to be sent to me via email.  Part of my reading this morning was this: Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith will it be done to you”;   and their sight was restored.  Matthew 9:29-30  NIV  A different version reads like this:  He touched their eyes and said, "Become what you believe." It happened. They saw.  Matthew 9:29-30 The Message I often struggle with what I believe.  Lord, help my unbelief, so I can become what you want me to be.


Tuesday evening I went to my Celebrate Recovery Leaders' Meeting. The fellowship was refreshing, but I was more than a little nervous and preoccupied by what I planned to do at that meeting. After the Ministry Leader spoke (a challenging and encouraging message) he opened the floor for questions and comments. After a while, I stood and announced to the group that I will no longer be a CR Leader, and will not be working in Celebration Station with the elementary age kids or in The Landing with the teens. I explained that I have lost myself in service. I have been placing everything else in front of my recovery, and that my relationship with God has suffered. I need to reboot. I received lots of hugs and encouragement when the meeting was over. This morning I got an email from the Leadership thanking me for my service and wishing me well as I work on my personal journey. There are no hard feelings, only love and support. One of the things I have been neglecting is jo...